1. Teachers must speak in English amongst themselves and with the students. They must encourage students to give answers in English and their mistakes should be checked.
2. Teachers must treat all children equally. There should be no partiality whatsoever. Give a child, the marks he deserves for the work he has done and NOT the marks you wish to give him/her because he is your relative or your friend’s ward.
3. Teachers employed in the school are not permitted to take tuitions of children who are students here. Your teaching should be such that the children should not require tuitions.
4. Teachers are requested to come soberly dressed to school. There is absolutely no need to come dressed in the latest fashions. We have grown up children in the school and they have a tendency to pass snide remarks which do not speak well of the teachers or the students.
5. Teachers must respond to the messages and notices put In the class group immediately.
6. Mrs. A. Sidhu has been associated with the school since the past 38 years. She has put her heart and soul into keeping the flag of the school flying high and expects the same from every staff member
...Wed, 22 Jan 2025
School Assembly
• To inculcate moral values
• To update students on national & international news.
• To lauch a platform for students to speak on current topics.
• For Enhancing Scientific aptitude
• Well designed and well equipped labs for Chem, Bio, Phy,., Maths etc.
• computer lab.
Summer Camp
• Offers option for blending fun with learning
• Activities include Yoga, Meditation, Sports, Karate, Public Speaking etc.
Workshop and Seminar
• Career counselling in latest trends and options
• Frequent in-service workshops for staff to update their skills
• Well stocked school libraries for Juniors and Seniors with a reference section
• Wide range of books ranging from fiction, Science, Encyclopedias & general reading
• Class library system from Nur to II
Activity Rooms
• For kindling creativity with special emphasis on creative and expressive arts.
• Quality staff for imparting soft skills
• Hindustani Vocal Music & indian & western instrumental.
School Band
• Comprises of a 10 member school Band.
• Regular performances for ceremonial activities at School & District Level
• Regular medical check up of all students once a year by qualified Doctors
• First aid facility available in case of emergency